We try to be as transparent and easy to work with as possible. If these answers aren't enough, check out our testimonials. And, of course, reach out if you have more questions.
Let's ChatWe have a whole page dedicated to that - check it out here!
Great question! While we don't make any money from startups, we offer due diligence services to private equity, VC and other investors and acquirers. And while it still much less expensive than what it would cost elsewhere, it's not as altruistic as our work with startups.
We also transparently invite companies with a little more revenue to pay a little more, with slightly higher margins (but still much less than industry standards).
But at the end of the day, even with that, our goal is not to make money - simply not to lose any. We try to help as many startups as we can, as efficiently as we can.
We are sincerely sorry that this has happened to you and while it doesn't help, you should know that this happens more often than you think. We work with a lot of companies in your situation. We help you get out of that hole by assessing what you have and giving you cost-effective options.
Remember - we are really experienced executives. While a lot of developers and junior consultants immediately recommend redoing, replatforming and throwing things out, we tend to think more fiduciarily. Talk to us and see what we can do.
We work with startups from no revenue to unicorns and our pricing reflects that. We work with you to figure out a pricing strategy that is affordable and fair. Pricing also depends on who you need - we have senior CTOs, CPOs and others who have sat on boards of multinational companies, we have those who have gone through fundraising and IPOs and we have those who focus on smaller startups in focused industries. Based on some initials conversations, we present you with options that can accelerate your growth at a fair pricepoint with the overall mission of not making a profit from startups.
Great question! Most of our CTOs and CXOs have responsibilities that prevent them from being able to join your company full time, and you probably don't need them full time nor can afford them full time. However, we are a network of free-thinking CTOs and professionals and if logistics and locations work out, we leave it up to each individual to make that decision. In short, if you and your CXO find a way to work full time, you don't owe us any fee. We think that's pretty amazing and it happens about 3 times a year.
But don't forget that we also have a pretty unique recruiting offering that's unlike anything you've ever heard of. If you're looking for someone full time off the bat, check out Opposite Staffing.
Every company is different, but it generally works like this -